Thursday, November 6, 2008

My vote counts? Really?

"I pray with every fiber of my being that your children and ours all grow to be the Christians that God wants them to be. Unfortunately though Socialism is socialism no matter how it is sugar coated and it affects EVERYONE. I will be able to stand face to face with God on the day of judgement though and tell him that I stood up for him by casting my vote in this election and I will continue to stand up for God and his teachings until I see him face to face."

I am really concerned about this particular message that I received the other day. Although I am aware that socialism in and of itself is not good, it holds no true meaning for me, my family and my children. But to say that I am not being "Godly" or being unsupportive of God because I did not vote is a ludacris and obscene gesture and minimizes faith and passion for God. To say to someone that they were not doing their "Christian-duty" by not voting just baffles me. Why?

I think about the times when people had to proclaim emperor-deity and "Ceasar is Lord" and were tied between 2 stacks of meat so that dogs could devour them, or have their bodies boiled in oil or whatever...all for the entertainment of the emperor and his "coliseum crowd" of followers. These Christians proclaimed Diety in God and God alone! We in America are nowhere near that!! And if we were, who would be the first to claim YAHWEH as Lord and Savior? I hope and pray that we all would...

So...I need to give proof that I am a Christian within my vote? Please, spare of the self-righteous, pious attitude that claims "you-better-vote-or-you-are-going-to-burn-in-Hell" mentality or spirituality! God doesn't care about your vote...He cares about your heart! He cares whether you love Him more than anything else...

Yes I want my children to grow up and be responsible citizens in a "free" country...but that is the whole point isn't it? We were not meant to be here in the first place! We are meant to be with God...The "Christ-followers country" is bought, paid for, and citizenship is inherited by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Just spend some time reading Hebrews 11..."Instead, they were LONGING for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."

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